
Woah there Killer!

So when last we spoke I felt like I was on top of the world. I'm not quite sure what has happened since then, or if it can really be attributed to anything in particular anyway, but man do I feel like this:

Oh well, I'm sure like all other crappy moods this one will pass. It's probably more of being angry at yesterday's weather and the racing season being over (man, I really need to just get past that last one already!).

The only way to really look at things is to say well, I don't know if I can get through this, but I really don't have any choice but to suck it up and deal.

Tomorrow is another day, and as Oliver would say, "The sun will come out, tomorrow!"

Well, hopefully there will be more good things to come. From the looks of things they are just on the horizon, all I have to do is get my lazy bum over to that horizon.

Thanks for listening to the inane ramblings of me!

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