
Off I Go

Well, after a brief spell back home in Denver following two trips on the road for work, I'm back outta town again. This time I've headed to the root of the problem, where it all started, Reno, NV. I wish I could say this is for a good reason, but I can't. Unfortunately my Great-Grandmother passed last week so that means it is time to get the fambly together again. The Service is taking place today, under what look to be crisp blue skies. I hope that everything today is as beautiful as her life was. She was an amazing woman, the true matriarch (forgive me if I've misspelled that) of the family. I will make sure to share more of my experiences later, as I have no idea what the internet situation is down in Yerington where this is happening.

There is a joyus side to this trip, however. I'm also here a few extra days to help celebrate Mom's (belated) birthday! Happy Barf-day Mom! I couldn't be here without ya!

Oh, and as one last aside, I need to get a Wii, those things are way too fun. I can't believe my mom is more hip, cool and/or with it than I am. She already has one and has been totally kicking my butt. I will demand a rematch once I've had a chance to improve. Mom, you're going down!


Seth Rubin said...

Show no mercy mom! Twist the knife!

I am Brian said...

Does that mean you are practicing your Dance, Dance Revolution skills?

Anonymous said...

Jo-ii, with glii, I ask of thii....think you can beat me at Wii that easilii? tii hii....

Blackie said...

Peesh... are you implying I am not cool? If I'm not cool, then what does that make you? You're the one the likes me. :P On the count down till I get to see you again... can't wait