
And I'll be there.

Yeah, I'll be there.

Great songs, these guys all rock, not like the crap they play these days.

What's for dinner?


Seth Rubin said...

It is after dinner . . . it says more to come . . . where's the rest? Why do you hate us?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, me too. What he said.

Seth Rubin said...

To whom it may concern:
Will the kind employees of blogger.com please remove this blog as it has become a no good waste of precious, limited internet space. There is only so much "real estate" in cyberspace and I request that this area be freed up for "redevelopment".
Seth "I know there is more than this going on in the life and times of Joey Pinkerton" Rubin

I am Brian said...

I'm just glad the video doesn't play automatically when I open this page (to see that STILL nothing has been updated). This video always makes me all weepy, and I can't have that at work. People will ask what's wrong, and I might get all EMO on them, and break down crying where the only thing that could cheer me up would be a gift certificate to Hot Topic.

I am Brian said...
